Rabu, 30 Mei 2012


Gaun panjang nanelegan dengan dominasi warna hijau lemon yang dikenakan saat turun dari bandara Sungshan Taipe, Taiwan, Rabu 16 Mei 2012, tak serta-merta mengubah sosok unik dan nyentrik Lady Gaga di tengah santernya pemberitaan bakal konsernya di Indonesia.

Eskalasi wacana kedatangannya awal Juni ini yang semula menjadi trending topik pemberitaan sebulan terakhir kini tinggal menyisakan kekecewaan bagi penggemar dan promotor karena batalnya konser tersebut. Para Little Monster-sebutan untuk penggemar Gaga yang sudah jauh-jauh hari memesan tiket kini harus berdesak-desakan lagi mengembalikan tiket/refund ke penyelenggara. Promotor pastinya menjadi pihak yang paling dirugikan secara finansial karena batalnya konser. Namun, apakah kerugian finansial tersebut akan sebanding dengan keuntungan secara sosial-kebudayaan masyarakat kita? Tentu ini pilihan yang sulit, jika harus mengorbankan generasi muda kini yang telah teracuni dan terombang-ambingkan oleh penjajahan psikis yang disebut hedonisme.

Jumat, 18 Mei 2012

SENSE PROPERTIES (Analytic, Synthetic, and Contradictory Sentences)

          In daily life, people communicate and need to reach practical agreement on the meanings of words they use in order to yield effective and meaningful communication. It is known that some show their disagreement about the rule of constructing a meaning from a word. However, we find that we as speakers or hearers understand all words since people who involved in the conversation are having indispensable hard core of meaning. Thus, this vital meaning is called as sense of expression.
        In semantics, experts argue there are two main ways of teaching sense of expression such as sense relation with other expression and sense properties. Sense properties consists of two words which have literal meaning i.e. sense and property. The former means a meaning conveyed or intended while the latter is defined as a quality or trait belonging and especially peculiar to an individual or thing (merriam-webster.com). I propose that sense properties refer to a quality or trait belongs to conveyed meanings. The quality of conveyed meaning usually can be done if a language is uttered or written in a sentence not in a word. It is because sentence meaning is proposition which means possess literal meaning or locution while a word is only a concept. Hurford and Heasley suggest that there are three ways of identifying a quality of a sentence such as analytic, synthetic, and contradictory.